Unidentified Flying Objects In Classical Antiquity
Unidentified Flying Objects In Classical Antiquity
Published on October 1, 2007
Richard Stothers
Richard Stothers
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A combined historical and scientific approach is applied to ancient reports of what might today be called unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Many conventionally explicable phenomena can be weeded out, leaving a small residue of puzzling reports. These fall neatly into the same categories as modern UFO reports, suggesting that the UFO phenomenon, whatever it may be due to, has not changed much over two millennia.
A combined historical and scientific approach is applied to ancient reports of what might today be called unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Many conventionally explicable phenomena can be weeded out, leaving a small residue of puzzling reports. These fall neatly into the same categories as modern UFO reports, suggesting that the UFO phenomenon, whatever it may be due to, has not changed much over two millennia.
Research Team
Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Team Report
David Spergel, Daniel Evans, Anamaria Berea, Federica Bianco, Reggie Brothers, Paula Bontempi, Jennifer Buss, Nadia Drake, Mike Gold, David Grinspoon, Scott Kelly, Matt Mountain, Warren Randolph, Walter Scott, Joshua Semeter, Karlin Toner, and Shelley Wright
September 14, 2023
Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Team Report
David Spergel, Daniel Evans, Anamaria Berea, Federica Bianco, Reggie Brothers, Paula Bontempi, Jennifer Buss, Nadia Drake, Mike Gold, David Grinspoon, Scott Kelly, Matt Mountain, Warren Randolph, Walter Scott, Joshua Semeter, Karlin Toner, and Shelley Wright
September 14, 2023
Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Team Report
David Spergel, Daniel Evans, Anamaria Berea, Federica Bianco, Reggie Brothers, Paula Bontempi, Jennifer Buss, Nadia Drake, Mike Gold, David Grinspoon, Scott Kelly, Matt Mountain, Warren Randolph, Walter Scott, Joshua Semeter, Karlin Toner, and Shelley Wright
September 14, 2023
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