The New Science of Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena (UAP)

Published on February 12, 2025

Kevin H. Knuth, Philippe Ailleris, Hussein Ali Agrama, Eamonn Ansbro, Tejin Cai, Thibaut Canuti, Michael C. Cifone, Walter Bruce Cornet Jr., Frédéric Courtade, Richard Dolan, Laura Domine, Luc Dini, Baptiste Friscourt, Ryan Graves, Richard F. Haines, Richard Hoffman, Hakan Kayal, Sarah Little, Garry P. Nolan, Robert Powell, Mark Rodeghier, Edoardo Russo, Peter Skafish, Erling Strand, Michael Swords, Matthew Szydagis, Gerald T. Tedesco, John J. Tedesco, Massimo Teodorani, Jacques Vallée, Michaël Vaillant, Beatriz Villarroel, Wesley A. Watters

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After decades of dismissal and secrecy, it has become clear that a significant number of the world’s governments take Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena (UAP), formerly known as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), seriously–—yet still seem to know little about them. As a result, these phenomena are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists around the world, some of whom have recently formed research efforts to monitor and scientifically study UAP. In this paper, we review and summarize approximately 20 historical government studies dating from 1933 to the present (in Scandinavia, WWII, US, Canada, France, Russia, China), several historical private research studies (France, UK, US), and both recent and current scientific research efforts (Ireland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, US). In doing so, our objective is to clarify the existing global and historical scientific narrative around UAP. Studies range from field station development and deployment to the collection and analysis of witness reports from around the world. We dispel the common misconception that UAPs are an American phenomenon and show that UAP can be, and have been, scientifically investigated. Our aim here is to enable future studies to draw on the great depth of prior documented experience.

Research Team

Interdisciplinary Research Center for Extraterrestrial Studies (IFEX), Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg, Meta-Connexions, Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU), The SOL Foundation, Space Exploration Ltd., Society for UAP Studies (SUAPS), UAP Check, UAPx

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