System Study Of Constraints For The Creation Of UAP Electromagnetic Signature Optimal Detection Systems
Published on June 8, 2023
Peter A. Reali
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The objective of the author’s study is to create systems for detecting UAP that may help mitigate hazards they present to Aerospace safety. This paper derives a method for determining the system limitations of an optimal detection system based either optical video or still cameras. It creates a probabilistic model that can be extended to other types of electromagnetic spectrum detection systems such as radio or infrared. The model contains eight parameters that are examined in detail for a collection of distributed manned or unmanned stations assuming a random geographical distribution of UAP events occurring with a certain average frequency per year. It determines the number of stations required to achieve at least one detection within a derived period of time as a function of the eight assumed parameters of the model. This presents a guideline for creating the design specifications for the detection instruments along with the cost objectives for designing the system and maintaining a large network of stations. The calculations assume a probabilistic sampling model with replacement based on the binomial probability distribution. The study points out the difficulty of getting sufficient optical data and why historically this has been so difficult to obtain.
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