Detection of Moving Objects in Earth Observation Satellite Images

Detection of Moving Objects in Earth Observation Satellite Images

Published on May 6, 2023

Eric Keto and Wesley Andrés Watters

Eric Keto and Wesley Andrés Watters

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Moving objects have characteristic signatures in multi-spectral images made by Earth observation satellites that use push broom scanning. While the general concept is applicable to all satellites of this type, each satellite design has its own unique imaging system and requires unique methods to analyze the characteristic signatures. We assess the feasibility of detecting moving objects and measuring their velocities in one particular archive of satellite images made by Planet Labs Corporation with their constellation of SuperDove satellites. Planet Labs data presents a particular challenge in that the images in the archive are mosaics of individual exposures and therefore do not have unique time stamps. We explain how the timing information can be restored indirectly. Our results indicate that the movement of common transportation vehicles, airplanes, cars, and boats, can be detected and measured.

Moving objects have characteristic signatures in multi-spectral images made by Earth observation satellites that use push broom scanning. While the general concept is applicable to all satellites of this type, each satellite design has its own unique imaging system and requires unique methods to analyze the characteristic signatures. We assess the feasibility of detecting moving objects and measuring their velocities in one particular archive of satellite images made by Planet Labs Corporation with their constellation of SuperDove satellites. Planet Labs data presents a particular challenge in that the images in the archive are mosaics of individual exposures and therefore do not have unique time stamps. We explain how the timing information can be restored indirectly. Our results indicate that the movement of common transportation vehicles, airplanes, cars, and boats, can be detected and measured.

Research Team

Galileo Project

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